
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Participate from the Bay area on March 16th!

I would like to learn more!

My Step, Her Stride - San Francisco on Saturday, March 16, 2013 on the Great Meadow at Fort Mason! Walkers and runners will enjoy a beautiful 5K course with views of the Golden Gate Bridge followed by a finish line festival that will include music, dance, and food as well as prominent speakers addressing women’s and global issues. Participants will be able to sponsor a woman survivor of war, purchase products handmade by women from WfWI programs, and get more involved with WfWI in the Bay Area.

Check-in begins at 8:30am and the program begins at 9:30am. Online registration is available on this site through Thursday, March 14 at 2pm PST. Event-day registration is welcome at 8:30am on the 16th (at a cost of $5 more per registrant). The event is on rain or shine. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Another great day of training

In the midst of a move I managed to get a bit of training in this morning in the vineyards above the maresme coast of Spain. Self portraits in action are tough, but I managed one of my little training partner!

Facebook page

Don't forget to visit the 12 adventures Facebook page and click "like" for further updates.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Participate from London!

Anna Wabiwa is a graduate of the Women for Women International programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). She recently took part in the Panzi Camera Project where she documented her life and community using a single-use camera and reflected on the phrase 'I Dream of Congo'.
"I always dream of living in a multicultural community giving equal opportunity to each tribe and social class. We need everyone's contribution to build our country of peace." - Anna Wabiwa
Anna grew up as part of a family of subsistence farmers in Mwenga, DRC. She never attended school. Anna's husband did not work and she struggled to provide for her six children working so hard that she fell ill. When Anna joined the Women for Women International programme, she was the poorest member of her group. But she soon learnt how she could start a small business with little money. She got 19 of her class mates to form a savings circle. Today, Anna is the president of a women's cooperative producing and selling bread. They have even opened a bank account in a local microfinance institution and are planning to grow their business.
Anna's work is currently being exhibited as part of the I Dream of Congo exhibition at Conway Hall inLondon. The exhibition is open to the public today from 9:30 to 17:00 and on Saturday, 23 February, from 9:30 to 16:00. Read more.

From WFWI UK's website.

If in London....

Don't miss a visit to this exhibition displaying some works of a wfwi graduate! More details to come.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Panama Ironman 70.3

Hello All. 

Thank you for following along with these adventures. 

Last Sunday, I did my first 1/2 ironman, making it my longest triathlon to date, in Panama City.  For those of you who don't follow the triathlon world, the 1/2 iron man distance is a 1.8 mile swim, a 56 mile bike ride, followed by a 13.2 mile run. 

I didn't feel that I had trained as much as I could have-though the 3 peaks challenge the weekend before was a good confidence boost in endurance, I hadn't put in the time on the bike.  The weather was cold in Spain, and as I don't do much winter cycling, I didn't want to go out and buy all the gear, thus, my training was in doors while watching long movies.  

Upon arriving in Panama I did take my bike for a spin on the road and it felt quite good.  That was a confidence booster as I had a re-fit and my bike felt more comfortable, and I felt more comfortable on it.  Of the 3 parts of triathlon, I would say that biking is my weakest.  If you look at the percentage of time spent on each discipline, it works against me, as the longest time in spent on the bicycle. 

Race day arrived, bright and early.  The alarm went off at 3:30 AM, and I had the thought: "Why did I sign up for this??"  Nerves had certainly sunk it, but I tried to eat some breakfast and prepare.  

The buzz of the pre-triathlon is always fun, and watching everyone helped take my mind off of things.  We met some really great people along the way who were wonderful, and a great way to keep my mind off my nerves. 

The swim began off a pier in the Panama Canal-an adventure in and of itself.  50 minutes behind schedule, the race was given the OK to begin.  I was in the 3rd wave, so into the water we went.  The estimated temperature was 78 degrees, though I felt it was much colder.  Making my way to the swim finish, I fell into my rhythm.  (I am the most comfortable in the swim)  Out of the water we ran, up stairs that had been made at the drop off to the water is quite steep.   I ran 600 meters to the transition area and prepared to leave on my bike. 

Setting off on the bike was nerve-wracking.  I don't know how to change a flat tire-so if I happened to get a flat I would be out of the race.  I have been lucky in the past, or the races I've done have been shorter, so if I got a flat it would end the race anyway.  I felt that the 1/2 ironman was different, and felt annoyed with myself for not having learned.  In the commotion of trying for a fast transition, I forgot to tuck in my food.  (I don't like exercise bars and gels, so I have found that dried fruits, which are high in sugar, are a great energy source that I enjoy eating along the way.)  I suppose there are two ways to look at my mistake.  As I am such an amateur, I really wasn't concerned, figuring I could pick up food along the way, which I did, and this was a minimal cause of stress to me.  Had I participated in more events, I think this may have been more nervewracking.   I can't drink or eat and ride my bike at the same time, so a few pull overs to re-fuel my energy stores, and just over 4 hours later I was off on the run.  

Upon getting off the bike the lack of food hit me, but, I knew exactly what it was, I took a few minutes in transition, drank my electrolyte water, with additional lifeice cubes, plus a few mangos and strawberries and I was feeling good.  

In the heat of the Panamanian sun I took off for the final leg-the 1/2 marathon.  It was a 2 loop run, which I found to be quite nice, knowing where I would be the second time around.  The run was painful, there is no way around that with the training I put in.  The heat was brutal, but I made sure to stop at every aid station for water, gatorade, food, and ice which I stuffed into my shirt.  I felt at moments like an ice machine!  

I was entering into the final 1/3 of a mile, when I noticed someone waving.  Walid, my husband and I, had signed up for the race together.  I thought he had finished and come to cheer me on, but he had waited half an hour under a tree so that we could finish together.  There was certainly an energy boost there, and finishing together was a very special experience.  

Finishing an event like this is interesting.  In my case, I was so happy that a) it was over and b) that I had done it!  I felt sore but happy.  

We walked back to our bikes, returned to the shuttle, which we crowded on with many other sweaty tired triathletes, and returned to our hotel. 

I think I may have suffered a bit of dehydration or effects from the heat.  Once getting into the hotel room and ordering food, extreme pain in my legs kicked in, in addition to extremes between chills and overheating.  After many glasses of water and electrolyte drinks, plus my special early stash of lifeice cubes, I was sleeping by 8pm. 

I woke up the next morning feeling much less sore, and HUNGRY!  Over breakfast we saw friends we had made along the way, and the spirit was light and happy. 

I would like to thank everyone who was following along.  There were moments when I wanted to stop-especially towards the end of the bike, but knowing that I had people watching from a far kept me going.  It was not easy, but I had some wonderful people along the way, all who gave their own little pep talks which I kept in my mind.  

We have a bit of down time, before my next adventure, which is fast approaching in the end of march. 

Stay tuned to the blog-I will be posting in between then.  

Until then I am basking in my 1/2 ironman finishing glory.  

Monday, February 4, 2013

Ironman 70.3 Success!!

Yesterday afternoon I successfully completed my first Ironman 70.3!  More details to come soon.  We are off to begin our journey back to Barcelona.

A special thank you to Lifeice for the support!

Adventure #2-success!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pre-race night

Hello all. 

We have arrived safely to Panama.  We spent Friday checking in, collecting our numbers, and preparing for Sundays race.  We took our bikes for a test spin along the ocean, and even fit in a little jog. 

Practicing in the aero bars...this will be my first race with them on my bike.  
Tucked into the shuttle with our bicycles en route to the transition area.  
This afternoon we dropped off our bikes, which leaves us only with the responsibility of getting ourselves to the starting line tomorrow morning bright and early. 
My bike, set up and waiting for tomorrow, Frank Gehry biodiversity museum construction underway.  
The first shuttle leaves at 4:30AM, so I suspect it will be an early morning.  

I believe once we emerge from the swim, we shall be trackable, though I'm not entirely sure.  The following link may be up and running tomorrow.  Before the race begins, tracking is not possible to locate.  My number is 577 and Walids is 647.  If the above link doesn't work, a google search of panama ironman 70.3 tracking, or panama 1/2 ironman tracking should lead you in the right direction if you would like to follow along. 

Otherwise, if all goes according to plan, I will post tomorrow night with the details. 

As this is my first 1/2 ironman I'm not entirely sure what to expect, though Walid approximates a finishing time for me of about 6.5 hours.  

I'm quite nervous, and I look forward to the race start when I hope the adrenaline will take over to calm my nerves.  

The swim exit.  From here we will run to the bike transition.  

Friday, February 1, 2013

This month I will be racing in honor of...

As you know, every month I will be completing my challenge in honor of one special woman from the Women for Women International program.

I just received a letter in the mail from Anastasia, a woman I sponsored last year from Rwanda.  She graduated the program and wrote a letter to thank me.  Prior to this, Anastasia and I did not make any contact, and I was especially touched to read this when it came in the mail.

Beloved Colleen, 

I first great you, and ask how you are doing.  I am a mother and am 53 years old.  I have 7 children, 4 girls and 3 boys.  I am a widow.  

I would like to thank you for the sponsorship that you gave to me, one without even knowing each other.  The training that I got was so useful to me.  I am now able to stay in a rented house.  I do appreciate you so much.  I learned how to manage the family wealth, how to save.  The most thing that I like is gardening because it is so useful to me.  

I would like you to come to Rwanda so we can get to know each other more.  It is the raining season now.  

Thank you again, 

This next adventure, my first iron man 70.3,  will be in honor of Anastasia, the women of Rwanda and as always Women for Women International.

If you are interested to sponsor a sister, and help someone like Anastasia in a simple one year program see below for further information.

I would like to learn more about sponsorship.